Focus on What
You Do the Best

'There are certain companies within oil and gas industry who decided in their foray into renewables, concentrate on the things that they know how to do really well …... so I think there’s a lot to be learned from the oil and gas industry as they obviously transform themselves into the energy companies of the future. '

- Marc Allen

Webinar Overview

Watch the replay of this interactive webinar, where we will discuss with our guest speakers Gavin Smart and Marc Allen, strategies that will assist energy industry incumbents, as they transition into renewable and low carbon energy businesses.

Topic Covered:

  • How can oil companies ensure they succeed with their investment to become renewable companies ?
  • With governments around the world shifting focus to wind power, what needs to be done to ensure that it can meet the increasing demands of the grid while still reducing production costs?
  • The biggest obstacles and opportunities facing renewable energy investment in the near future.
  • Roles of data analysis in renewable energy decision making, including target setting, policy making, investment, planning, supply curve and asset management.
  • Is green hydrogen the way forward. Hype or Hope?

Who should Watch:

  • Manager and Directors
  • Asset Manager
  • Plant Manager
  • Reliability Manager
  • Operations Manager
  • Production Engineer
  • Reliability Engineer

Meet The Panellists

Head of Analysis & Insights, Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult

Gavin Smart

Gavin Smart joined ORE Catapult in April 2014 as Finance & Investment Analyst and currently holds the post of Head of Analysis & Insights. Gavin is responsible for developing and maintaining ORE Catapult’s financial and economic modelling, which feeds directly into the organisation’s commercial strategy and for generating insights from ORE Catapult projects. Gavin spent three years as Senior Investment Analyst for ScottishPower Renewables, developing models and analysis tools for UK and European offshore wind and marine projects. Prior to this he worked as a Valuation & Business Modelling consultant in the Middle East for Ernst & Young, engaged in projects covering a variety of industries.

Climate Change Risk Advisor & Technical Director, Engeco

Marc Allen

Marc is a chemical engineer with over 20 years' experience. He has spent the last 12 years specialising in sustainability and climate change. He is currently Technical Director of engeco, a consulting company that helps businesses identify and analyse their exposure to climate change risk and develop climate change strategy. He has had many years experience in decarbonisation and energy strategies - including renewable energy studies, energy efficiency and large scale abatement and offsets for carbon emissions.

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