
Transform Operations with Predictive Maintenance Software

Predictive maintenance (PdM) is estimated to create between 260 and 460 billion dollars in economic value in the global manufacturing use case setting alone.


ML Predictive Maintenance Benefits

Improve asset reliability and availability

Process industries are plagued by unplanned downtime, at a cost upwards of $100,000 per hour for large manufacturers. It's no wonder that predictive maintenance is called the 'holy grail' of maintenance engineering, and why an increasing number of businesses are adopting it.

Unlike rule-based PdM approaches, VROC's machine learning-based predictive maintenance platform OPUS, uses sensor data and machine learning to detect anomalies and predict failures ahead of time - without the high false positives common with threshold-based predictive maintenance. As most anomalies experience unexpected failure patterns, OPUS has been uniquely designed to continuously learn from historical and live data to predict future performance.

When using OPUS, no-code AI predictive maintenance software, operators benefit from the following advanced insights,

  • Early failure detection and prediction (often weeks in advance)
  • Time to failure prediction
  • Root cause analysis
  • Real time condition monitoring
  • Holistic analysis across entire plant for detection of contributing factors from seemingly un-connected processes

With OPUS Engineers and Operators can use predictive maintenance to more accurately plan maintenance activities, increase equipment lifespan, asset uptime, and reduce maintenance costs and efforts.

Get Whitepaper: The Business Case for ML Predictive Maintenance
Enterprise Predictive Maintenance

One predictive maintenance platform for all equipment

OPUS can detect failures on new equipment, as well as ageing equipment. Without relying on AI model libraries, the single platform can be used throughout an organisation to model all assets, regardless of model type or brand, so that predictive maintenance can be adopted at an enterprise level.

Condition-based maintenance is enhanced with predictive analytics which discovers connections in data earlier, which if analysed manually would take months to uncover. These AI insights can be rapidly produced by asset reliability engineers and maintenance engineers without any programming or coding knowledge. The existing team then reviews the insights and makes informed business decisions based on their operational knowledge.

In this approach the platform doesn’t replace these highly skilled individuals but enhances their decision-making ability, resulting in increased operational effectiveness.

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Predictive Maintenance Capabilities

Optimize asset management

OPUS allows for thorough root cause analysis, ensuring that you treat the cause of the problem rather than the outlining incidents. The AI models can identify unexpected causations of errors that human analysis is unable to locate, taking into consideration short and medium term contributing factors over time. This predictive analysis has the power to save millions of dollars spent maintaining equipment that continually fails.

See how VROC's accurate root cause analysis helped avoid a major safety incident

See case study

Leave the guess work behind. With OPUS you will know what, when and why equipment will fail, in advance. Through live data from sensors and historical learnings, our AI platform will monitor the health of your systems, tracking any off-spec deviations and alerting your team days or weeks before any incident occurs. This time to failure monitoring is critical for any high value asset, ensuring you remain in production and avoid costly sudden failures.

See how VROC detected the first ever failure on a water pump

See case study

OPUS can be used to form a baseline for new assets and to optimize settings from the very beginning. This can be used by the asset owner to build accountability, support warranty and performance claims, and to postpone first planned shutdowns.

See how VROC detected the first ever failure on a water pump

See case study

OPUS can assist with critical insights for improved shutdown planning, turnaround planning and alarm rationalization. With predictive insights Operators can improve their maintenance planning and avoid unplanned shutdowns altogether.

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Asset operators can monitor the condition of their equipment in real-time, anywhere in the world using OPUS. Improve asset performance management with accurate insights into your plant operations.

Predictive Maintenance Software Features

Why OPUS for Predictive Maintenance?

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Real time insights

OPUS provides insights using real-time data so you can make improved business decisions

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VROC Predict Icon

Accurate Predictions

Model confidence levels average 99.9% allowing you to confidently implement PdM

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Auto AI leads to improved productivity and reliability. Icon

Increase Reliability

Stop unplanned failures and increase asset reliability

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Save with AI icon

Rapid Results

Start delivering on-going business value within four weeks

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Customer Benefits

Our client's success is our success

“It took our Focus group 2 weeks to come up with the problem with the gas compressor and form an action plan. When we met with VROC, the VROC model gave all the problems that we needed to focus on in less than 10minutes. This helped the engineers pinpoint the problem.”

Manager Head Strategy & Performance Health Safety & Environment, Gas and New Energy

“We have prolonged the gas compressor reliability to four months, from a maximum of 2 weeks running. The GCM uptime has improved to a value of 21.7m USD.”

Head of Offshore Operations

“Let everyone use, don’t restrict to any process engineer or operation engineer, give everybody access including business planners, let everyone use it. Because the beauty of this is that it will open the eyes of the importance of Artificial Intelligence in Oil and Gas.”

Manager Head Strategy & Performance Health Safety & Environment, Gas and New Energy
Useful Resources

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